Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 207: woa dizzy.

I went to yoga this morning. First time in a week. I'm kind of still feeling a bit coughy etcet, so I was ready for it not to be my most stomping class ever, but man how dizzy? I seriously had to sit down about five times. But you know, whatever. It was good to do it. Then after class I discovered a new organic market pretty close to my house which was very pleasing. I bought oranges and bok choy. The oranges are freakin delicious (I haven't tried the bok choy). And then I went to my niece Sylvie's 3rd birthday party where there was a surprising number of awesome vegan food options (part of the party was at a Chinese restaurant) and I had just a really cool time hangin' with the fam. What a rockin day. Everyone else was drinking the way my family and close associates usually drink (which is liberally), and as usual it didn't bother me. I don't care about alcohol. Really, just not at all. Actually wait a minute, there was one moment when I cared a tiny bit about alcohol. Last night I went with a girlfriend to a quite up-market wine bar in the city, frequented by (from what I could tell) quite a lot of handsome, beautifully suited men. In that setting, with its large gilt-framed mirrors, golden low light and glinting chandeliers, it would have been more appropriate to be sipping from a classy glass of red or white than sucking on the straw of my pineapple juice. But no worry. I have filed this pleasant establishment under "places to drink classily in future", and in the meantime I will very happily stick to drinks of the less dizzying variety.

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