Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 192: Champagne celebrations.

Remember that pitch I was working on about a week ago? Well we won it, and today the creatives who worked on it were thanked with bottles of Moet & Chandon. So now I have a pretty bottle of champagne on my desk. And naturally, that's where it will stay until November when I am officially allowed to pop the cork. In my experience, advertising has a real thing for rewarding hard work with booze. I remember at my last agency, when everyone had been working their arses off for weeks, one of senior management called a meeting to announce an agency party and she said something to the effect of "I know you've all been working really hard, and you're all worn out, so to say thanks we're having a big party with loads of drinks and you can all get really pissed and have a great time on us.". Yeah that'll help. I'm tired already, why not add dehydrated and vomity on top? Anyway, in this latest case of reward by alcohol, I'm definitely not complaining. French champagne is awesome stuff. It's bubbly and delicious and classy to boot. I will look forward to celebrating in style with it, a little further down the track.

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