Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 306: happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me-ee, happy birthday to me. It's my birthday. I just got back from a beautiful dinner at Toko with a selection of my friends and family. Those who couldn't make it were missed, but those who were there were quality. It was great. And I really did have a very enjoyable day. I guess at this point I just feel like a lucky human being and I am very grateful for all the good people and great opportunities in my life, for my good health and the freedom I have to do what I wish. I am very happy. And I am very healthy. Oh yeah, and I didn't feel the slightest flutter of a desire for an alcoholic drink. My mocktail (on their extensive list of "cleansers") was quite specially delicious (it had Jasmine in it), and my green tea was oh so refreshing. Good friends, great food, (an awesome book on the Velvet Underground!) and hot green tea. What more could a girl want?

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