Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 175: I love my cashmere jumper.

Do you own a cashmere jumper? If not, may I quietly suggest you get your hands on one? Not even necessarily to own; just to touch the darling softness of cashmere is worth your while. It may or may not have been glaringly obvious, but over the last little while I have felt a little troubled. Troubled about my abilities, troubled about the fact that others appear not to give a flying damn about me, troubled that a beautiful, caring (totally cool) man persist in not presenting himself, troubled even that yoga might give one cellulite. Amongst all this though, I made the enlightened decision to purchase not one but two cashmere jumpers from one of my favourite online boutiques, The Outnet. And today they arrived. One in particular is such a feat of flattering drapery and yet deep, soft comfort at the same time, I am tempted to proclaim Vanessa Bruno (its maker) a gifted magician, nay, even miracle-working angel from above. Suffice to say, it has made me perfectly happy. So if anyone ever tries to tell you retail therapy is an empty, fleeting and ineffective pleasure, tell them to stick it, then try a little cashmere on their arse. Because they are of course entirely wrong (and they'll thank you for it afterwards).

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